Big Brother’s a watchin-Censorship alive and well

Home of the free and land of the brave we are. This is America and when a Government of the people, tries to censor words, we will never stand for it. Obama’s Government has gotten out of hand when they start to censor words of the people, its people, those who elected them. When a government gets so huge, they start to think they can do whatever they want to, it is time for a change.

Take away my newspapers and we will take it to the airwaves. Take away my airwaves, and we will take it to the internet. Take away my internet and we will take it to the streets. We the people hired you to do our will, not the other way around. How dare you censor words in your favor? How dare you edit out the bad things for your own political gain? How dare you go against the people whom, you were elected to serve? Censorship has no place in America. If those who were elected decide that they will call the shots, toss them out.

Our government has gotten so far out of hand in the least three years it is sickening. They prod us towards protests they want protested. We must think for ourselves again and the Government needs to wise up. In November we need to call the shots and toss out Washington on their butts/ No one tells us to shut up. Let us be heard, for we are Americans. Obama’s Chicago politics has put businesses on trial, he has called out people who strive to make it in this free country. He stamps out speech that makes him look bad. He put millions out of work halting oil drilling in the USA leaving us at the mercy of the Middle East nations. He creates rhetoric for corporations and wall street for making money as any capitalist would. The time is now. We need to speak out before we are not allowed to speak at all.

The number of poor people in America is growing as the middle class is shrinking. We, as Americans must stand tall, together, and strong. We do not want, or need, any elected official telling us what to do, how to do it, or what we can and can not do. We do not need someone who takes nine weeks Vacation in three years while Rome burns. We do not need anyone telling us to keep quiet. We do however need to throw political correctness out the window and say what we mean. Oh sure, they think they know better,and maybe they do, because we elected them. These politicians do not know better, they are just selling us a bill of goods. We are not going to by the BS any longer. We are Americans, you work for us. We will tell you when to speak and not to. We will speak as one in November.

Predictions for 2012

Gas will rise to new heights.
Obama admitting to laziness will indeed wait till the last moments to run for reelection.
Casey rears her head once again. She admits to loving for the first time, never mentioning Caylee, go figure, America ignores.
Obama under fire for leaking secrets to Hollywood movie makers.
Tokyo Shakes
Children kidnappings will run ramped.
Underdog will rise to new heights in first primary in New Hampshire
Jobs eking up a few points but not quite good enough
Hillary wants out and gets her wish.
Celebrity death shocker, then two oldies to follow
More threats to the United States on their own soil due to a Carter type cutback on US military by Obama.
Obama decides to get new running mate for 2012
Obams huge political move at our expense.
Gas rises above four dollars per gallon
Weakness in White House reveled.
God made disaster in Midwest and southern states
Demarcate scandal will be the fall
Riots in California will dominate the news
Major celebrity will be jailed long term
New Moms, more babies missing
a new president arrives.
Money and jobs flow again

An Opportunity to Go Global

There is a global radio station that is gaining respect in the business as the leader in radio. Many independent radio stations follow this stations lead. It is and they are heard globally.

They are now excepting advertisers at the lowest cost in the business. Get your business going and now get in on the ground floor. is taking in new advertisers.

“We will air your radio ready 30 second commercial for $1.06. Your commercial will air 10 times per day for 30 days. This would total $318.00. This must be sent to us in MP3 format. We will also place a click thru banner on our home page. You must supply the banner. The size to be 234 X 60.
If you do not have a commercial we will assist in writing one and fully produce it for $200.00. You will receive a copy and are free to use & distribute however you like.
We offer three levels of pricing for longer term advertising as follows:
3 months – $250.00
6 months – $1300.00
12 months – $2,000.00”

One dollar six per ad, you can go global. This is great for bands, business’s as well as comedians advertising a show.

Tell them Caterino sent ya, and you will be treated like royalty.

Casey Anthony virdict

Will this be the end for Casey Anthony? Will this hand picked jury of twelve decide a fate of life in imprisonment or even death, or will they decide on the evidence and evidence alone? These are questions that will be answered now. Emotions should never be a factor when a jury needs to decide this. So, in a little over ten short hours this is what the jury finds:

Not Guilty- Murder one- not guilty Child abuse- Aggravated manslaughter Not gulty -False Info to a law enforcement- Guilty. Five counts.


America’s Glitch-A new book from Bob D Caterino

I have a new book out called
America’s Glitch
This is the why and hows of the Obama administration. The answers may just astound they are so profound. The simple answer is that socialists and communists hate capitalists. But it runs deeper that that my friends. Read how Obama was a plant and his rise was no accident. Read how Obama sneaks behind the scenes takeover after takeover and why he needs kids, to vote for him. His final option will be in 2012. Will he actually win a second term? Can America survive? Read it and see in the newest book, “AMERICAS GLITCH.”

The New Obama Travel List Rivised edition

Obama is the most traveled President of all time. Remember, it cost the US $227,000 dollars of taxpayer money for him to see the world, so here is the list. Got an hour? Please note, this does not include his trips to United States States including his campaigning for others. He had visited all fifty, or as he put it, 58. He also is planning a vacation to North Carolina, then Scotland. $227.000 an hour folks, our dime.
Canada January 2009
United Kingdom March 31-April 2
France April 3–4
Germany April 3–4
Czech Republic April 5
Turkey April 6–7
Iraq April 7
Mexico April 16–17
Trinidad and Tobago April 17–19
Saudi Arabia June 3–4
Egypt June 4
Germany June 5
France June 5–7
Russia July 6–8
Italy July 8–10
Vatican City July 10
Ghana July 11
Mexico August 9–10
Denmark October 2
Japan November 13–14 M
Singapore November 14–15
People’s Republic of China November 15–18
South Korea November 18–19
Norway December 10
Denmark December 18

Afghanistan March 28
Czech Republic April 8
Canada June 25–27
India November 6–9
Indonesia November 9–10
South Korea November 10–12
Japan November 12–14
Portugal November 19–20
Afghanistan December 3


Brazil March 19–21
Chile March 21–22
El Salvador March 22-23

I will try and add to this list as he goes.

7.4 magnitude earthquake off north coast of Japan. Tsunami alert issued.

7.4 magnitude earthquake off north coast of Japan. Tsunami alert issued. I have posted this would happen but was forced to take that post down. Those who believe I can feel things no one else can, I thank you. Those who hate anyone with this ability, so be it. From this moment on, when I write what I feel, I will refuse to take it down. I tried to warn about it, but those who oppose, won, this time.

Previous article: “Japan will feel yet another wrath, a strong one, with waves of death to follow.” So be it. Today, they suffer because of those who did not believe. Is it now over for the Japan crises, no. I do feel it will suffer deeply and yet another quake will hit within seven days from today. The waters will rise and many will suffer.

Dios es recuperar su tierra. Empezar de nuevo.

peajes Japans muerte alcanzará proporciones insondables. Puedo ver fácilmente decenas de miles más como los terremotos siguen llegando. La reacción en cadena lanzará en breve y todos vamos a ver el final, o se trata simplemente de un nuevo comienzo, empezando desde cero?

El Señor da y el Señor quita. Algunos de nosotros, los humanos tienden pensar en pequeño lo que se refiere a Dios. Pensamos en términos de dinero, el hambre, y que las personas que no tienen simplemente no tuvieron la suerte de ser tocados por Dios. El Señor nos dio el mundo y ahora se considere apta para borrar el hombre la locura ha hecho de la misma.

Aquellos de nosotros la suerte de sobrevivir a esta ola de destrucción en masa a ver el errar de nuestros caminos y cumplir. Los animales se adaptan, los árboles y el follaje volverá a crecer, y pronto el camino de la vida será sencilla, una vez más. Vamos a ver cómo las naciones se desmoronan, caen los edificios y disminuir la humanidad. Los que se tomaron el tiempo para convertirse en uno con la naturaleza va a sobrevivir, los que estaban no demasiado ocupado para cuidar.

Los codiciosos se mueren porque el dinero no tendrá ningún significado. El hambre se completa porque una vez más, van a tener la libertad de vivir de la tierra que Dios nos dio, y los mansos, que reconstruirá su herencia. Vamos a volver a ser pioneros que trabajan en armonía con este gran regalo de Dios que llamamos Tierra.

Nacemos, morimos. Este es el círculo vicioso de la vida y los que vienen a este mundo una nueva, que miedo, y los que están cerca de la muerte es el miedo también. La humanidad se entera de muchas cosas técnicas, pero nunca aprenderá que la muerte es sólo un paso más en un ciclo. Miedo a la muerte, pero no es bienvenida ya que es inevitable. El mundo no está llegando a su fin, sino un nuevo comienzo. Japón enviará ondas de las cadenas para todos nosotros. No pienses en esto como un desastre, sino como un milagro y los que creen saber de qué estoy hablando, los que no se niegan o no, este es el “de proporciones bíblicas” que siempre escuchó decir.

Bomb found in Times Square as Obama continues to fail us all.

We almost lost Times Square in NYC this morning so let me just say thank you Mr. President who decided that dinner engagements and traveling and owning all the major corporations are more important than our safety.  Thanks you arrogant prick.

Some people just don’t get it.  Some think that micro managing is the answer when we all know the jobs we need to do.  Some think that sleeping with the enemy is also an answer.  This is not thinking outside the box, this is sealed inside the box.

What we have here is a failure to communicate.  We the people are telling Washington what we need and want and those punks sitting in their high and all mighty chairs laugh and do whatever the hell they please anyway.  We learned nothing from 911.  Yes, we almost lost Times Square in New York and we were lucky.  If that bomb would have exploded, we would have lost thousands of lives.  The leftie liberals will say, “Yes but we didn’t so lets move on.”  The righties will say, we should have been more careful.

I am sure Obama and his leftie liberal media will sugar coat all of it as they have been since he was elected.  I am also sure, nothing like this happened while Bush was in office, why?  Bush spend every waking moment protecting these United States.  Obama, well, he will be doing more traveling, over a hundred times in the past year, as well as his dinners, parties, and media events.  I am sure he can get his media to spin anything that harms us and most likely will  blame us for out troubles, again.

I almost died in the World Trade Center.  Angry, yes I am angry.  Obama, stop playing a kids game with the most important job you will ever have and start doing as we say not your fantasy la la land makeover.

My Psychic Predictions

Predictions as they are can be a toss of a coin.  Many skeptics  seem to want to pounce on those that see things in a futuristic view. We are reporters of a different nature and if one chooses to see what is not there, they are the ones who build walls.  I have been called out so many times over the years and when the crap hits the fan, those who do the calling seem to disappear into the woodwork.  I am still here, still standing and can only say what I feel so here are my thoughts on what is to be.


Riots will break out soon, as soon as august in three parts of the United States.

A child killer will break in April and then we all shall rest assured.

Obama will be caught up in a huge scandal within the next three months of his presidency.

Dark cloud covers Europe.  They are in the thick of it for a while, such a sticky wicket.

Orleans faces yet another tragedy but is overshadowed by Alaska’s water.  Lots of water stuff this month April showers and all.

War will escalate in more of the middle east which will cause another strike on the US in July East and West.

A Mother, a Child Killer will be accused .

March-  Obama’s numbers will fall drastically- he will something different which will force him to travel more and be ridiculed for his efforts.

Gas prices will soar to all new levels.  Toyota will bounce back with a passion.

April-I can see a small earthquake will hit California then a bigger one will follow Far East

Sad darkness in East and West.  Tragedy, a deep dark place.

A child missing and found well hidden but not well enough. Arrest immediate because children do not come with a return policy.

Aussie suffers huge losses

Earthquake after a long time commin almost hits home

Celebrity found dead, in her mid thirties, brunette.

Terrorist plot exposed and failed while another strike is pending.

May- A spiritual uprising in the mist, moral values challenged as the media is overrun with stories.

A deep seeded water problem on the east coast causes many to suffer.

A New York Threat exposed right on Time.

Floods unusually plentiful.

Obama challenged once again.  Desperate measures will doom his presidency. Selling for votes will not be tolerated.

Hillary Clinton will resign as secretary of state and Vice President Biden will expose secrets causing him to be under close watch.

June- No jobs in sight but Americans will find other ways to fund their lifestyle with new methods.  Less jobs to be found.  Harder times ahead.

Protests in the US expand forcing many leaders to listen.

Unexpected death in celebrity helm.

Chaos will strike in New Jersey and New York as greed will be the downfall.

Jobs start to show a sign of growth while unemployment soars to new levels anyway.

All out war on US soil-we win.

July- Bin Laden killed in air strike.

Uprising in child abduction.

Two high profile murders called the crime of the century.

Scandal rocks the white house once again.

Big fires in the west and the east coast.

New laws for child predators will prevail.

August- I see hundreds of animals dead in explosions or fire.

Gas prices ease but rise again within weeks.

Protesters unite for a single cause.

Magazine mogul found dead in his home, natural causes.

September- Stock Market rises to all new levels.  Trading soars.

Another kind of War in middle east.

Two devastating air collisions.

More rains wash out many cities, flooding, and devistation in mid west.

October-  Some say it is a miracal others are skeptical but have no real answers for why.  Gods answer to a nation in crises.

Mother of five kills children in the name of religion.

Tighter border controls drug access into the US from Mexico.

Americans held hostage in Middle East and wont see the light of day for one full year.

November- A quiet before the storm.  America reverts back to roots.

Three more high profile celebrities die.

O.J. Simpson back in the news, honesty for once.

Gold prices soar to a record 1,559 an ounce.

Political values change and a nation comes together again.

December- Money flows again in the US. Jobs are highest they have been in two years.  Gas prices lower but still high. Yet another celebrity jailed for abuse. Christ reveals three small miracles remembering Christmas is more important then ever before. A perfect end to an interesting year.  War is over.