I wish you happiness

For those who oppose life, you must have been hurt
those who embrace it, not knowing whats worse
I have an idea, oh, its just a thought
smile through when saddened, hurt or distraught.
Never compromise, sanitize as long as you give a try
life is a struggle and some never realize
what it is all about
so lets all shout and say
were never gonna take that anymore
I welcome whats in store.
so bring it on my friends and foes, as for me, I have places to see and to go to
never back it down and always keep your chin up
for life is life, enjoy it, like a new born pup
remembering it is over in that single blink
so when you read this I hope it made ya think.

This is my life. Now you understand

As far back as I can remember, I have always cheated death or should I say, life has cheated me. I am a true believer that all things happen for a reason. I was only three when the neighbor boy and I were playing in our yard which was connected. The folks were having a get together. I remember the kid walking over to me carrying a one inch thick board, raising it over his head and slamming it down on mine as hard as he could. I also remember seeing stars, actual stars like a freakin cartoon. The lump raised on the top of my head was the size of a baseball. I ran to good old Mother, and she was talking. I was crying, and all she could say was, I must have done something to deserve that.

I was allowed to skip the second grade for reasons of the adult world but I had The others were eight in the third grade. Ok, by the time I was in the fifth grade, being now, ten, while most of the class were twelve and so much bigger than I, I was the target of bullying, big time. I am talking about a rough neighborhood to begin with, and getting at least a beating a day, I was afraid to head outdoors. The bully’s would actually chase me home and if I was lucky they did not catch me. no argument at that age, I was only six six. The thing was, at the age of six, to skip, placed me into an older class. These beatings would take place until I was ten or twelve.

So when one combines the attacks I received as a kid, and parents who were constantly fighting, a father who was drunk for as far back as I can remember, I was the one they always put in the middle to measure who was right. No child should ever be put in that situation, but I survived. My father would call for me personally when he threatened to cut off his feet, having me get a towel, a pot, and two sharp knives. He would make me watch but he would never go through with the act. But at that time, a ten year old should never be put in that situation wither. Basically, I felt so alone in the world so I kept to myself pretty much.

At eleven, I remember riding my bike, alone, when an older kid started to chase me for my two wheeler, stingray with the banana seat and whammy bar. I never received presents for any occasion, but a neighbor gave me his old bike when he got a new one. This would be the start of me, feeling deserving enough to own anything or except gifts graciously, go figure. So this older kid chased me into a school yard and I hit a wall head on. The bike raised on its front wheels and my head hit the wall, hard. That must of scared him because he left. I road home in a daze but before I got their, another kid walks up to me, grabs the bike, and punches me square in the nose, breaking it. When I got home, all my mother said was, how did that happen, then she walked away. I was eleven, no love was lost.

Now in middle school, we called it Junior High back in the day, I remember three different teachers beating me up at separate times for no reasons. I went to a very bad school where the kids were running rabid. I was a good kid, kept to myself, and always taught to respect elders, and ask questions when I didn’t know or understand something. Those teachers felt I was being a wise guy so that was their excuse for beating me up.

At twelve, my brother hit me in the head with a rock. I needed three stitches which cost my Mom ten dollars at that time. She was furious with me for getting hit with that rock and refused the doctor when he offered anesthetic which would have been an additional ten dollars at the time. Are we beginning to see a pattern here? Then they send me to a two week summer camp for twenty five dollars, not to better my life but to get rid of me I am willing to guess. This was the camp where the counselors wheeled canvas belts and used them to keep us in line and as far as I could see, we never did anything wrong. Maybe it was the time my brother, me seven, him twelve, placed shards of glass into my glass of juice causing me to almost die, well, I was told to suck it up by dear old dad.

I have been hit in my head so many times, the doctors say, one more time, and I will die.

One day we moved. I was thirteen years old at that time. I was left a note at the old apartment where to go. I rode my bike thirteen blocks and found the new address, which is how I even found out we moved in the first place. The house was a three story building with basement. My brother and sisters had their own rooms, I had the unfinished attic complete with bats, squirrels, and possums. I learned to cope by slowly finishing the attic in an artistic way. The home was a duplex and the neighbor took the time to talk with me at times. He found out I was interested in writing and I had shown him some of my stories. He gifted me a typewriter. He was kind and caring and I will never forget the man for taking time on me. By the way, this happened between the time my mother threw me down the fifteen stairs for no apparent reasoning, and the time my Father came home stinking drunk and attacked me with a hammer, just because.

I have always been a smart child and despite all the roughness in my world, I always was able to articulate on paper what I was feeling. This is my forte. I believe I am here for a reason, to write, and let others enjoy what I have written. I feel as if I live on borrowed time and use it all to write. I have managed to write seventeen books with three in the works. I have written for news, media, and comedians and not to mention tens of thousands of articles. I feel lucky despite what has happened to me. By the way, those bully’s from back in the day, have since passed away which is all the revenge I need for closure. My siblings, well, who knows where they are or how they are doing. I separated from them when I found the love of my life and married. The grandparents didn’t care enough to know my kids, and as for the siblings, they are only in it for themselves. I found out during a heated argument that I was never a wanted child. They also told me, I was the reason they grew up poor. I would receive wrapped up used socks for Christmas as gifts, my own used socks go figure. Birthdays, not even a “Happy birthday Rob.” I have always d=id well for myself and writing this was sort of a therapy for me. I am for the underdog, the weak, the challenged. I fight for those who cannot. That which did not kill me, did make me stronger and believe me, I still have a lot more to say and do. Thanks for the read and google me for more insight into why I am.

Predictions for 2012

Gas will rise to new heights.
Obama admitting to laziness will indeed wait till the last moments to run for reelection.
Casey rears her head once again. She admits to loving for the first time, never mentioning Caylee, go figure, America ignores.
Obama under fire for leaking secrets to Hollywood movie makers.
Tokyo Shakes
Children kidnappings will run ramped.
Underdog will rise to new heights in first primary in New Hampshire
Jobs eking up a few points but not quite good enough
Hillary wants out and gets her wish.
Celebrity death shocker, then two oldies to follow
More threats to the United States on their own soil due to a Carter type cutback on US military by Obama.
Obama decides to get new running mate for 2012
Obams huge political move at our expense.
Gas rises above four dollars per gallon
Weakness in White House reveled.
God made disaster in Midwest and southern states
Demarcate scandal will be the fall
Riots in California will dominate the news
Major celebrity will be jailed long term
New Moms, more babies missing
a new president arrives.
Money and jobs flow again

Casey Anthony virdict

Will this be the end for Casey Anthony? Will this hand picked jury of twelve decide a fate of life in imprisonment or even death, or will they decide on the evidence and evidence alone? These are questions that will be answered now. Emotions should never be a factor when a jury needs to decide this. So, in a little over ten short hours this is what the jury finds:

Not Guilty- Murder one- not guilty Child abuse- Aggravated manslaughter Not gulty -False Info to a law enforcement- Guilty. Five counts.


Misty Cummings – Final Scenerio

Misty, oh Misty.  Ronald has a fight with Joe Overstreet over what Ron said was a pistol.   Misty was already out of it on one of her many drug binges so she is in her own world.  Ron did indeed own a pistol but that’s not what Joe wanted, he wanted the machine gun Ron was hiding in the house.  Joe waited until Ron left for work and returned to the home.  He searched the home with Misty trying to stop him.  Joe starts to threaten her but being smarter than that he started to feed Misty drugs, her second love, Ron was her first.

Misty sobering up started to feel the effects of the pills.  Joe was still rummaging through the home but couldn’t find the hiding place.  Joe then starts to threaten the little girl with the hopes that Misty would tell what she knows.   Misty was now far out of the realm just sits on the bed.  Joe takes another route.  He had molested Misty in the past, many times so he decides to do it again that night.  Misty just lets him, she knows her place when it comes to Joe.  Joe is only molesting her because of his control over her.  Joe finishes with Misty and realizes that she is no help.  Joe then see,s Misty’s brother beating on the door so he lets him in with the hopes of gaining the information he wants.

Misty’s brother is a follower, so when Joe said jump, he jumped.  Joe picks up the little girl by the hair and asks  Misty one last time to show him where room was keeping the gun.  She thought for a second.  If Haleigh was out of the picture, she would be the only woman in Ron’s life.  She smiled and said, “Do what you have to do.”

Misty’s brother just stands their watching Joe molest the little child.  Misty did nothing to stop him.  The child went into shock and literally dies a painful death.  Misty is still out of it, Misty’s brother is standing there in shock as Joe starts to order him around.  “Prop the back door open, get me some rope, and something heavy and we will get rid of this mess.”  He hoists Haleigh over his shoulder, picks Misty up by her hair and shoves her out the back door.  Misty’s brother, Misty, and Joe, headed for the river.  They, ALL THREE, tied the rope to Haleigh’s neck fastening the other end to the cinder block and tosses her into the river.  “Listen, if either one of you tell anyone anything, I will be back and I will do the same thing to you, and you.”

Misty was happy to have her Ronald all to herself, it shows in news footage.  Joe, denies everything, and being a habitual lair he is good at it.  As for the good brother, not a good liar.

Misty was seen on one of her many calls talking to her father.  The dad tells her, he is trying to get her and her brother out.  Misty simply says, “don’t worry about him, get me out first.”

Haleigh was alive, barely when Joe tossed her into the river.  It was all about  revenge,  power and control for him.  It was all about having Ron to herself, for Misty, and for Tommy, well he just went along with it because he looked up to Joe.

Well that’s all three scenarios. I will end my series on the Cummings case.  I know in the weeks to come closure will be among all of us.  The fingers will point, and all three will fall.  I also blame Ronald for leaving the children with someone that messed up.  Remember the bio-mom?  Ron stole custody from her and now look, I feel for her, not Ron, not Misty, not bro Tommy, not Joe.

Think about this, How did Misty and Tommy Croslin know what Joe did is they were not a witness or a part of the whole sad thing.  Complicity or accessory to murder is a crime even though Misty was probably afraid to tell her side because of Joe.

Misty Croslin Scenerio too

Ok, and now we have three.  Joe, the bad boy, a child bride, and her brother.  Now, most of us heard the tapes of the phone calls they have made from jail, right? Here we go.

What do kids all have in common?  They all think they are smart, smarter than adults, right?  The facts are in, kids are not all that smart even if they are in their own minds.  Misty and her brother knew that people were listening in on their conversations.  Misty said she would do anything to get out of jail and her brother said, he would make something up if he had to, well, he had to.  Misty and her brother have been pointing the finger at Cousin Joe since the beginning.  There is smarts and street smarts and Misty, although she thinks she possess both, she doesn’t have a pot to pee into because she has neither.

Lets talk about Grannie.  Grandma, the matriarch of the Bunch, is a lair dag nabbit, and just as smart as the rest of them! which seems to be about right.  Hey, even in a world of dumbness some are dumber then others.  Grannie Croslin said that Joe did it all and her Misty would never hurt a child.  Ok, we will take that from where is comes.  Getting back to the jail house phone taps, Misty knew she was being listened to so she was saying what everyone needed to hear but never the truth.

Joe was a focus because he had a fight with Billy Bob, um, I mean, Ronald earlier that tragic day.  We are seeking the obvious.  Did Joe want revenge on Ronald and killed the one thing he loved in this world? NO. HELL NO. Joe didn’t get into a fight with Ron because he was trying to steel a gun.  Joe got into it with Ron because he used to molest Misty when she was much younger and Ron resented him for that and that alone.  Ron just didn’t want Joe hanging around.  Joe was in their area because a family member was in an accident, ok, I can buy this story.  Misty however being as dumb as they come thinks she can outsmart all in her path but that is stupid in itself isn’t it?

Joe stopped by and that’s all, he left soon after.   Misty did this all by her lonesome and her brother who is just as smart as she is, disposed of the poor souls body.  Misty gave us clues all along, the cinder block holding the door open?  Well, why not place cinder blocks all over the crime scene to fool everyone.  Misty said, the back screen door was held open by a cinder block, why not, there were plenty laying all over that property.  She also said, Her brother was at the back door but for only a short time.  If you were going to prepare to toss some evidence into a river using a cinder block and rope as they did, would you leave by the front door? No.  So what really happened that night?

Misty did something so horrible that night and although only five, there was a witness.  Joe was indeed their that night but only to get back at Ron by controlling Misty one last time before he left town.  Bu control I do mean having sex with her.  Poor little Haleigh was nothing more than a witness to a betrayal so she died protecting her Daddy whom she loved so much.   Joe leaves soon after.  Misty being closer to Haleigh’s age than she was to Rons, tried to make Haleigh see things her way but she didn’t understand the situation at all.  In Misty’s eyes, the girl was a threat to her relationship, her lifestyle, and her well being so she MURDERED HER.  Her brother simply answered the call and thought he was protecting his sister by tossing her into the river.  How Misty did this act of selflessness was easy, she strangled her to death and it was cld blooded murder plain and simple.  Oh sure she was anger enough and seeing red when she did it but it was for her own greed for what she thought was a good life that pushed her towards it.

The key witness to the whole scenario is the younger child.  Although he is only three or four, he knows something so why isn’t he being questioned, he can be a key to this whole sad mess.

Lawyers think of one thing, winning a case.  If a three year old would not make a creditable witness they will just toss them aside.  The boy said their was a man in black.  Yes, The brother was dressed for crime, all in black to sneak through the night.

To help themselves Misty and dear brother tells what they know, or what they schemed to tell if things got too hot.  They would blame Joe and everything would be ok.  I never saw Joe by the river pointing the exact spot where the body was tossed, but I did watch as Misty and her Brother showed law enforcement where the body was tossed.  As for Grand Ma, well, lets just say, the nut doesn’t fall far from the tree.  “Joe did it, Misty and her Brother would never do anything like that.”  Yes they would and they did.  and Granny, their is no age limit to a jail cell so stop your BS, we are sick of this whole damn situation, the bunch of you. Lets never forget that Haleigh’s real mom was Misty’s focus for blame at the beginning of her mess but she saw that wouldn’t fly early on so she switched her focus to Cousin Joe as her easy target.  Misty, you are not smart and you prove it every day by trying to play the world so pleas e stop, it is hurting our brains.

I gave Misty a week to crack and she did, right on queue.  Now I give her days until the whole truth comes out and she and her brother and possibly Grandma will be sent away.  Once again, Misty did this and made her own bed.  Jealousy plays a small part but it all added up to murder of another innocent child.  Misty is to blame and as for her dear brother, he is in it up to his ears now.  Misty’s mom, well, her brand of dumbness never allowed her to see what was really going on, she was being played from the start as was Ron.

The police wont give up that easy.  They will find the skull and that evidence will be the end of Misty Croslin.

Misty Croslin’s, One Scenario

Misty Croslin’s scenario.  Many following this story will definitely say that Ronald Cummings is innocent, but complicity or guilt by association is a crime also.

Who’s drugs were in the home?  Who left the drug where a little five year old would be able to find them?  Did Ronald in fact have drugs in the home?

When an adult and a child has relations we may consider that a sex offense, that is unless you marry the child, with the permission of the mother and father of that child.  Misty Croslin lived in a dysfunctional household and fell prey to drugs at a very young age.  They made her feel cool, like an adult, like those adults surrounding her including her mother, as well as her friends.  When one is that young, it makes you feel so adult to do what the big kids are doing.  Lets face it, Misty was an addict and she was used like a pawn to sell the drugs and she was more than a willing participant and truly not that innocent living the life.

Ronald worked second shift which left Misty alone for the better part of the day.  Misty felt when Ron was away, she was in charge.  Ronald was the man of the playhouse.  Why a responsible father of two children would leave his loved ones with a child is beyond the normal thinking pattern, especially when the child is an addict.  Misty knew where the stash was, and she felt grown up enough to indulge when Ron was not at home, after all she was the boss and so cool having a man for a boyfriend.  She heads into the hallway and pulls the board away from the wall exposing the water heater and the bag of drugs.   Oxycontin is a drug mainly used by heroin addicts as Morphine was used to wean people off the dangerously addictive drug.

Misty lays the drug out on her bed and needs a drink to wash them down with, a cold one.  When she returns to the bedroom, she finds Haleigh awake and sitting on the bed stuffing the pills into her mouth; As she see’s her idols do.  Misty freaks out and scolds the little five year old but is not sure how many she had swallowed if any.  Misty sits Haleigh on her mattress laying on the floor and begins to do her thing washing down one two maybe even three pills.

Misty notices Haleigh is starting to look and act weird.  She walks over towards her and notices that this little five year old is ready to pass out and she does falling over onto her side.  Misty tried to wake her but Haleigh wont wake up.  Misty, being street smart, as well as television smart watched enough soaps and Police drama to check for a pulse but she simply can’t find it.  Haleigh is gone.  Misty panics and calls her cousin and brother for help.

When the two arrive at the home Misty is also out of it but explains what happened and needed help getting rid of the body.  Misty’s first mistake was to start doing drugs in the first place, her second was hooking up with someone who is a big shot in the drug scene in that part of town and finally her third mistake was not calling the police as soon as she found Haleigh on the bed stuffing pills into her mouth and trying to hide what she had done to that little girl.

The three take the child’s lifeless body to a river and dumped it in using rope and  piece of cinder block as weight.  The cousin returns to his home and the brother to his.  Misty waits until the timing is right, just as Ron gets home and acts as if she had just got up from a deep sleep. Just as Rons hand starts to turn the knob, Misty starts screaming.  Ron runs into the home and asks what was the matter.  Misty says, Haleigh, she is gone, someone must have taken her.  I was sleeping, I didn’t hear a thing.  Ron tells her to call 911 and the rest of the story is what she has be telling us all along, until now.

Misty cracks, I knew a few weeks ago this was coming.  The police know how to work the criminal and Misty was worked just as planed.  We may never find the remains of that poor five year old innocent girl who looked up to Ron and Misty only because she knew no better.  So when I began this peice, I asked, is Ron innocent?

My Psychic Predictions

Predictions as they are can be a toss of a coin.  Many skeptics  seem to want to pounce on those that see things in a futuristic view. We are reporters of a different nature and if one chooses to see what is not there, they are the ones who build walls.  I have been called out so many times over the years and when the crap hits the fan, those who do the calling seem to disappear into the woodwork.  I am still here, still standing and can only say what I feel so here are my thoughts on what is to be.


Riots will break out soon, as soon as august in three parts of the United States.

A child killer will break in April and then we all shall rest assured.

Obama will be caught up in a huge scandal within the next three months of his presidency.

Dark cloud covers Europe.  They are in the thick of it for a while, such a sticky wicket.

Orleans faces yet another tragedy but is overshadowed by Alaska’s water.  Lots of water stuff this month April showers and all.

War will escalate in more of the middle east which will cause another strike on the US in July East and West.

A Mother, a Child Killer will be accused .

March-  Obama’s numbers will fall drastically- he will something different which will force him to travel more and be ridiculed for his efforts.

Gas prices will soar to all new levels.  Toyota will bounce back with a passion.

April-I can see a small earthquake will hit California then a bigger one will follow Far East

Sad darkness in East and West.  Tragedy, a deep dark place.

A child missing and found well hidden but not well enough. Arrest immediate because children do not come with a return policy.

Aussie suffers huge losses

Earthquake after a long time commin almost hits home

Celebrity found dead, in her mid thirties, brunette.

Terrorist plot exposed and failed while another strike is pending.

May- A spiritual uprising in the mist, moral values challenged as the media is overrun with stories.

A deep seeded water problem on the east coast causes many to suffer.

A New York Threat exposed right on Time.

Floods unusually plentiful.

Obama challenged once again.  Desperate measures will doom his presidency. Selling for votes will not be tolerated.

Hillary Clinton will resign as secretary of state and Vice President Biden will expose secrets causing him to be under close watch.

June- No jobs in sight but Americans will find other ways to fund their lifestyle with new methods.  Less jobs to be found.  Harder times ahead.

Protests in the US expand forcing many leaders to listen.

Unexpected death in celebrity helm.

Chaos will strike in New Jersey and New York as greed will be the downfall.

Jobs start to show a sign of growth while unemployment soars to new levels anyway.

All out war on US soil-we win.

July- Bin Laden killed in air strike.

Uprising in child abduction.

Two high profile murders called the crime of the century.

Scandal rocks the white house once again.

Big fires in the west and the east coast.

New laws for child predators will prevail.

August- I see hundreds of animals dead in explosions or fire.

Gas prices ease but rise again within weeks.

Protesters unite for a single cause.

Magazine mogul found dead in his home, natural causes.

September- Stock Market rises to all new levels.  Trading soars.

Another kind of War in middle east.

Two devastating air collisions.

More rains wash out many cities, flooding, and devistation in mid west.

October-  Some say it is a miracal others are skeptical but have no real answers for why.  Gods answer to a nation in crises.

Mother of five kills children in the name of religion.

Tighter border controls drug access into the US from Mexico.

Americans held hostage in Middle East and wont see the light of day for one full year.

November- A quiet before the storm.  America reverts back to roots.

Three more high profile celebrities die.

O.J. Simpson back in the news, honesty for once.

Gold prices soar to a record 1,559 an ounce.

Political values change and a nation comes together again.

December- Money flows again in the US. Jobs are highest they have been in two years.  Gas prices lower but still high. Yet another celebrity jailed for abuse. Christ reveals three small miracles remembering Christmas is more important then ever before. A perfect end to an interesting year.  War is over.

The Right VS the Left

When children play it is easy to see how everyday fun and games may turn into an argument or even a fight.  These are children and that behavior is expected.  When adults do fight it is because they do not possess the skills needed to act as an adult should.

The right wing conservatives, as I see them, are a compassionate group who speak from the heart. They move towards a cause with verve and vigor because they believe their lifestyle is being threatened.  The only goal that a conservative has is to preserve this land made great by our forefathers we know as America and strive to be free as intended.

The left wingers seem to think that politics is a game played by six grade children.  The facts are never involved when it comes down to the left wing.  They use smoke and mirrors and slight of hand to get their points across.  They fabricate news or edit it to their own accord when it best suits them to do so.

Did you ever wonder why there are so many conservative news radio stations doing very well in this time of democracy dominance?  The answer is simple; the left just don’t know how to keep their ratings up.  This is an easy task, speak the truth and the audience will come. 

The right will always use words of truth to tell a story, while the left will create a story without worrying about the outcome.  Like children, name calling, hurting other children, conservatives have learned to be bigger than that and that’s why they can hold their head up and walk tall because at the end of the day, they can look themselves in the mirror and know who the better person was. 

Joe was just a guy I knew.  He was always able to speak his mind.  One day Joe was confronted by a black minister.  Joe “Excuse me boy.”  The minister said, “I do believe that you are a racist.  Joe turned to the minister and said, “Yeah, so what’s your point?”

To blame someone, calling them a racist, someone who stands up for what he believes, is just wrong and yet, the left seem to be having a field day tossing that word around so freely.   Yes, Joe is a self admitted racist.  He believes in something and when confronted he admitted it and sees nothing wrong with it.  The sad thing is, when the left use that word, racist so freely, it distracts us from the true racists in the world.

The left is cheating at the game in which we all play and as we all know, cheaters never win and winners never cheat. 

Some of the media, the ED’s of the world needs to grow a set, because white washing the news makes them not worthy to call themselves news broadcasters.  Reporting news as it is, speaking the truth is what Americans want no matter who it is about. 

Remembering that man has been here for so many years, we can’t possibly believe that any race is pure.  We are all mixed and this we can truly thank our forefathers for.

America, the melting pot no longer.

America has always been known as “the melting pot,” but time and certain people have seen to it that it is no longer the case.

No longer are we segregated to strive towards a single goal.  We are now as separated as we were in the fifties if not more so.

Assimilation is a key factor in being one nation under God but the special interests will not have any of it. We look around us and see what is going on, we are separated into groups, the Black neighborhoods, the Italian, the Hassidic, the Hispanic, and so on. If we are going to be truly Americans then we need to be past all of it.

We cannot be hyphenated Americans, we must start being Americans.  The only people that are putting us into groups are people with power and an agenda.  It is in their better interest to keep us out of each others lives.  To lure us into these traps takes a mindset of trickery, and until we open out eyes, we cannot be the America we all want. 

We are called a free nation but are we really?  The ones that can afford to move freely around the nation as a free people are a slim margin of folks.  The poor are forced to live where the broken down homes are, the middle class are herded into sections for them and like the Native Americans living on reservations, there is no difference.

People from all walks of life are lured into the hype of America.  They are promised to be free, rich, and become whatever they want to be but when they arrive they just do not assimilate to this so called melting pot.   The Hispanic born in America will grow up speaking broken English as will every world comer.   When we come here then why not try and live as Americans?  Speaking the language of your country and watching your native television programs or listening to radio in your native tongue will not help you become Americans, only a foreigner that lives here.

In closing, it was never about the color of skin but the way you live your life that makes you American.  What we have here is a failure to communicate and if we are to move forward, then we all must live as one.