The Left and their Childish Politics

How many right wing conservative republicans does it take to screw in a light bulb?  One, because smaller government is the conservative way. How many left winged liberals does it take to screw in that same light bulb?  None, they are two busy trying to screw up everything else we love in this country.

The lefty liberal crowd will have you believe that the right is no more then gun toting white supremacists even when the cause is clearly right.  These lefties are usually right in their causes even when normal people can clearly see what they are preaching is wrong.

Many people are now asking where the billions that Obama spent on saving America’s economy went and we have yet to get an answer unless you count, “The economy is doing wonderful” as a real answer as said by the left.  The jobless count in America is rising and yet, we are to believe that it would have been worse if we did nothing at all.  I guess if we count the field mice saved by the left as having a job to do, or the millions poured into a left winged money laundering scam organization like ACORN as being saved jobs, and I certainly do not.

If I have it straight, then the left will only need to call anyone that disputes a White House Policy as a wrong policy racist and all is good again.  If you show up in protest against the Obama Regime then we are racist.  If we ask a question that the White house doesn’t like, we are called racist.  I do believe that the only side playing the race card is the left.  I also believe that most Americans can see through the leftist rhetoric and soon they will run out of sixth grade comments and be left speechless.

The left always ask where the right was during the Bush years.  We were home with our families enjoying life while the left protested everything and anything Bush did.

The Jeanine Garafolo’s of the world never think before they speak which shows the rest of us what babbling idiots these folks really are.

I believe that we are one nation under God and color has nothing to do with bad politics.  Obama tried to bring the Olympics to Chicago.  I wonder why we lost to Rio?  Maybe we would have won the bid if we offered Hawaii, Vegas, or California as a place that people would enjoy while watching the games but Chicago?  Obama might as well have offered up Downtown Newark, New Jersey, as his place of interest for the Olympics.  It was as if he offered up one of the most corrupt cities he could find and knew he would lose the bid.

So in closing, I guess in a way, in the leftist’s eyes, I am a racist because I believe we could have spent the lost billions on the people of this country and not have squandered it on mice.  I am a racist because I guess seeing Obama’s many television appearances as wasted time and effort makes me a racist.  I guess loving this country and believing we can do something constructive for a change would make me a racist in the left’s eyes because all they see is what’s in it for them.

So to Garafolo and her kind, the MSNBC crew, the NBC Obama Pocket puppet media, and all the rest, of the child like attitudes, I say, you are true to the left and right speaks for itself.  It is like having children calling names because a true dialog is out of the question.

I have covered many a TEA PARTY and I saw no violence, no guns, just questions being asked that really don’t get any answers to.  So shame on you left and your King Obama for playing your politics as usual.  The change would have done America good but I don’t see any.

For those who serve this country

Memorial Day is a day for remembering those special people in all of our lives. We have to remember those extraordinary men and women who protect us from all of our enemies, those who hate everything we stand for, freedom, rights, and caring for our fellow mankind.

Fallen heroes are sometimes forgotten as we go about our daily life which is a shame. It is not only the military, but all of those who serve to protect and die in the face of freedom and who really know the meaning of those broad strips and white stars.

Here is to all the policemen who gave up their lives to protect us, the firefighters, who risk their lives to save us, and the military who goes that extra mile to fight the good fight without asking for a thank you. For all of you out there who cared enough to do for others, I thank you with all of my heart.

To the men who fought in our civil war and first world war, I thank you, for those who fought and died in the name of liberty in the second world war, I thank you, all eighty million who defended this nation and died in the name of freedom. For the Korean War and the Viet Nam vet I thank you, and for all of those who fight against the unseen enemy, the terrorist, I thank you all. God bless all the troops and the families whom always known their child was special.

We need not shed a tear for these hero’s but ever so often, as our eyes look up, and a smile comes over us, a remberance is a small price to pay for all they have sacfrificed for us. REMEMBER, THATS ALL THEY ASK IS THAT WE REMEMBER. Lets not let the memories of the forgotten soldiers simply fade away.